Invitation to boat anglers

The East London Dolphin and Angling Club will host be hosting their ninth Light Tackle Boat competition at Kei Mouth from September 28 to 29.

Club chairperson Barry Lottering said the competition was is open to the public.

“The aim is to educate fishermen and their families around the importance of weighing and releasing fish that have been caught,” Lottering said.

The club also wants its members to be environmentally friendly by protecting the fish stock.

Entrants will need to have a boat licence and a skipper’s licence to take part in enter the competition.

“The registration will be open from Friday night at the Bush Pig in Kei Mouth and also for early registration from 6am on Saturday morning,” Lottering said.

Donations are welcome for prizes for the various categories in the competition.

The prizes will be handed out at a prize- giving session at the end of the after the competition.

The competition starts at 7am on Saturday and Sunday.

For further information, contact Barry on 074-890 2025.


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