Salem Baby Care’s High Tea raises R70k

BREAFAST AT TIFFANY’S: The annual Salem Baby Care Centre High Tea fundraiser took place at Nutting Hall on Saturday. Picture: AMANDA NANO

Pearls and feathers were themes of the day as the Salem Baby Care Centre hosted their annual High Tea at Nutting Hall in Stirling on Saturday.

Themed “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”, the tea aimed to raise funds for the NGO to help keep its doors open.

“We managed to raise over R70,000 on the day from various auctions, raffles, cash donations and also from ticket sales,” Salem director Lereen Naidoo said.

Hostesses had the choice to buy a table or have their guests buy a seat in support of the centre.

“Unfortunately, we have good months and bad months, and this is one of the bad ones. We need over R900,000 to run the centre every year,” Naidoo said.

The centre was recently featured on KykNet’s Tussen Ons where they received R100,000 from the KFC Add Hope initiative. The organisation is one the few beneficiaries in the city.

“We send an application and report every year to hopefully be part of the initiative. As stipulated in the contract, the money only goes towards food in the centre and it makes a difference,” Naidoo said.

Salem provides training for destitute mothers in terms of health and hygiene, life and development skills and an educare programme to name but a few.

“All the training is provided free to the mothers.

The centre also got involved in the International Tekkie Tax Day last Friday, and are yet to tally ticket sales.

The next fundraising event is a dance that is set for August 31.

From left, Maureen Eugene, Grizelda Nxumalo and Diedre Nxumalo-Freeman enjoying themselves at the high tea. Picture: AMANDA NANO


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