There was much excitement and laughter at the East London SPCA last week as staff members took part in a special team-building day, courtesy of Level Ground Training Solutions.
The fun activities were held on one of the open areas at on the SPCA premises and, according to Level Ground owner Nicky Delport, were specially planned to bring the staff together.
“We focus on breaking down barriers, shifting mindsets and bringing back the ‘human’ factor into teams. Once this occurs, staff members are always more willing to contribute and are more open to suggestions and improvements regarding their working environment,” said Delport.
The team-building event was aimed at allowing the staff and the new committee to get to know each other better and to build up confidence, trust and understanding.
The day ended with the staff enjoying a meal donated by KFC Hemingways.
“It was such a pleasure spending the afternoon with this team who play such an important role in our community,” Delport said.