Christmas came early for needy residents after Dignity Group Family Funeral Plan staff members spent their 67 minutes for Mandela Day manning two soup kitchens in Breidbach recently.
Good Samaritans Soup Kitchen and Aunty Baby’s Soup Kitchen coordinators also each received a kind sponsorship of groceries and fruit. in aid of their entities.
Dignity Group staff member Kenneth Sawman said the contribution forms part of their social responsibility programme where they strive to in acknowledge the support of their communities.
“We have a variety of activities where we give back to the community as part of our social responsibility programme and today is just one of them.
“It coincides with where we honouring a great man in the late former Nelson Mandela for the life he lived and his love, commitment and dedication to nation-building,” Sawman said.
“We donated groceries for the soup kitchen to the amount of R2,100 and assisted them by taking up the spoon and serving the needy ourselves.
“It was such an experience to see so many needy children and people depending on the meal and the appreciation on their faces after receiving their food,” Sawman said.
Aunty Baby’s Soup Kitchen coordinator Jean Jackson said she was very grateful for the kindness showed by Dignity Group.
“We never expected such generosity,” and kindness from Dignity,” Jackson said.
“A big thank you to Dignity and may the Lord bless you in all ways. We will never forget this day because you have made it extra special.”
Lorenzo Thompson of Good Samaritans echoed Jackson’s sentiments and added they are overwhelmed by the support and will treasure it from the bottom of their hearts.