Despairing staff at the East London Carel Du Toit Centre said their premises was broken into three times in September.
Principal Paula Copper said the centre was broken into last Wednesday night and two computers were stolen, but had since been recovered.
“This is the third time we are suffering a break-in this month.
“Two weeks ago a computer screen, CPU, mouse, keyboard and speakers were stolen and last week Tuesday, they attempted to enter through the office window during the school day,” said Cooper said.
She said the losses and damages amounted to centre will need R13,000. in order to cover the losses and damages.
“We will need to tighten the security and repair the brick walls that have weak areas.”
The Carel du Toit Centre in East London is non-profit centre organisation (NPO) which assists pre-school deaf children in the province with the natural acquisition of language and speech through the maximum use of technology and the provision of parental guidance and support.
“Our vision is to see that children diagnosed with deafness in this region receive the help they need,” said Cooper said.
The centre posted a request on their Facebook page asking the community for any assistance.
“We requested financial help to recover building costs, a laptop and financial help towards upgrading our security and are most grateful to the East London community for the support and generosity shown already,” Cooper said.