Project aims to help young school children

The Bare Necessities Project in King William’s Town aims to bring some much-needed cheer as children begin their new school year in 2020.

The project has adopted Empilisweni Home in Ndevana outside King as its b e n e f i c i a r y.

Started by Sivuyisiwe Ngaba and Sivu Tshefu, the project aims to lend a hand to those in need.

“We heard of this home from our Catholic church in Zwelitsha. We saw the need
for the basic things that the children will use on a daily b a s i s ,” Tshefu said.

The boys and girls are between eight and 16 years old, and the collection closes on January 10.

To help out with the project, the FeedtheFever Creative Agency will be hosting the Sunnies and Sun Hats event on December 22 at the King William’s Town Golf Club at 2pm.

“A percentage of the proceeds from the event will go to the donation drive so we encourage everyone to pull through for the event,” Tshefu said.

Items needed include:

● Toothbrushes

● Toothpaste

● Ankle socks (white, grey and black)

● Vests

● Body soap

● Face cloths

● Body moisturiser

● Deodorant

● Washing powder

For more info on collection points and queries, contact Ngaba on 083-395-2761.


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