KZN’s missing PPE worth millions mysteriously reappears

The department of education in KZN has recovered PPE worth millions of rand which went missing on Tuesday. Image: AFP/ WANG ZHAO

Large quantities of personal protective equipment (PPE), initially reported missing while en route to schools in KwaZulu-Natal, have mysteriously reappeared.

Kwazi Mthethwa, spokesperson for education MEC Kwazi Mshengu, confirmed that the PPE had been recovered on Thursday and that someone would be held accountable.

Mthethwa said the department would release more details once it had established all the facts.

“We want accountability. We will send a strong message because no-one can make things disappear and then reappear at their own will while playing with state resources — so people must account,” said Mthethwa.

The PPE had been destined for schools in the Zululand, Umlazi and Pinetown districts before going missing, the department reported on Tuesday.

Mshengu at the time said the replacement of the PPE would cost the department millions of rand, money the department did not have.



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