Call for other companies to join in the drive to ‘helping those in need’ by making a donation

IT’S been a year of challenges for Pot O’Curry who, like other take-away businesses, have faced the unprecedented times with COVID-19. Yet despite this, they remain a strong and growing brand in East London and have also recently opened a family-run branch in Johannesburg.
Their humble beginnings started from their home in Dorchester Heights where Tubs Lingham and his late mother, chef Vani Lingham founded the business.
They continue to offer their unique range of gourmet samoosas such as the ever-popular Rump Steak Melt as well as the Cream Cheese and Jalapeño.
However, they have now extended their range to include some new and interesting flavours such as Chicken Mayo, Cheese and Biltong and a Malva pudding-filled samoosa.
The range of food offered also includes curries which can be served with rice and salad, in a bunny chow or in a roti. Vegetarian curry is also available.
Situated at Spargs Mall in Beacon Bay, the business offers a call-and-collect service and customers can expect a wait of about 10 minutes, depending on how busy the shop is. They can be reached on 043-2890949.
Though their passion is food, their heart is with the community as can be seen by their involvement with various projects such as the charity “Helping Those In Need” (HTIN) which is run by Matthew and Marion Peake.
HTIN’s current fund raising initiative is for Logan Trevor Bartle who suffers from cerebral palsy. Bartle was born prematurely at 27 weeks and weighed 706g. He was given a mere 5% chance of survival.
Pot O’Curry is one of many other companies – including 2Brothers Pizza in Cambridge, The Bridge Sports Club in Cambridge, Nates Car Sales in Amalinda, Legacy Properties, Shape Up Gym, Morgan Bay Hotel, Lokel Yokel Projects and Custom Clocks – contributing to the cause and you, or your business can also contribute to the account which is open for public inspection:
Logan Trevor Bartle First National Bank Account Number: 628 220 75281 Branch Code: 250655 Deposit Ref: Logan’s Life
Join Pot O’ Curry on Friday, October 2nd, from 9.30am when the first 100 people who purchase one of their delicious and value for money curries, will receive a free cupcake.
BY: Wendy Kretschmann