GO! People – Anastasia (Tessa) Botha


DA ward councillor – Buffalo City Municipality (councillor for ward 4 which includes Selborne, Vincent, Berea and Cambridge among others)

What motivates you to achieve more in life?

A: To feel a sense of accomplishment and by knowing that I have made a difference in a good way.

What keeps you grounded?

A: My faith, my love for God, my children and serving with humility.

Who is your role model?

A: Oh, that changes from time to time because nothing in life is constant. Mother Theresa remains my all-time favourite.

What is your motto in life?

A: I have quite a few but what comes to mind lately is: “Don’t live the same day every day … do something different and meaningful”.

What do you value most?

A: I value my happiness. A happy person creates as happy home and a happy work environment and then life is so much easier.

What book are you currently reading?

A: I started reading The Other Side of the Moon by Olive Schreiner a few months ago, but I am still stuck in the first chapter. Council documents and reports are now my latest reading material.

What would you like to see change in our country?

A: I would like to see a change in government. I would like to see leaders with integrity bringing meaningful change to the lives of ordinary people by creating an open-opportunity society for all.

What is your favourite family destination in East London?

A: East London is known for its beautiful beaches and a walk on Nahoon Beach with my children is the ultimate stress reliever.

What is your favourite place to eat in East London?

A: It would certainly be Grazia. Not only for their fine food but I love the ambiance they create and the service is always excellent.


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