CHARITY goes a long way, especially when the lives of little children are touched. Greensleeves Children’s Trust, together with Models Agency, held a fundraiser at Hudson Park Primary at the weekend.
The Miss Greensleeves Spring Tea fundraiser raised R4200 which will assist the trust in buying sandwiches and fruit for a week.
Melanie Bruyns of Models Agency has been working with Greensleeves for four years and commends them on their good work.
“I have seen the Greensleeves children grow up with confidence.
“This event was open to anybody to participate, whether they belong to an agency or not. The function was a success, as any fundraiser that can create a form of income for Greensleeves, always is. The function can only grow and develop each year,” she said.
Greensleeves currently houses and feeds 43 children and with no government support, they depend on the community to lend a helping held.
“We want to raise awareness as we are struggling to fund everything. We would like people to come on board and assist the trust,” Greensleeves founder Dianne Lehy said.
“It costs us R110000 a month to run the home and raising that amount is getting harder and harder.”
Models Agency encouraged Lehy to continue her efforts marked by love, passion and enthusiasm.
“She is making a huge difference in these children’s lives. The children of Greensleeves can be proud to have such a caring, compassionate and kind person who guides, helps and teaches them how to survive in the world,” said Bruyns.