What’s On the GO! – 12 October


  • The University of the Third Age (U3A) meet at the St Andrews Croquet Club hall on the EL Golf Club at 9.30am. The speaker will be Helen Krause speaking on African Marriage Customs. U3A Meet on the second Thursday of each month followed by tea/coffee and biscuits. The cost is R10 per visitor and R5 for members. On the third Thursday of each month, there is a current affairs meeting at 10am, with a speaker. Call (043) 738-5090.
  • The Floradale artists’ “Natural Expression” exhibition is a celebration of everything to do with natural forms found in the environment. The exhibition is part of a very special celebration for the Floradale Centre, which is the 80th anniversary of Floradale Nursery. The current exhibition at the Floradale Fine Art centre continues with new work taking the place of works which have come down or are sold.
  • Are you ready to join our motivated group? The University of the Third Age (U3A) caters to people of a so called “mature age”, from about 50 to 90, who are still eager for more knowledge and a zest for listening to cultural and motivational talks. U3A Meet on the second Thursday of each month at 9.30am. The cost is R10 per visitor and R5 for members. This is for the monthly general meeting, after which there is a speaker. On the third Thursday of each month, there is a current affairs meeting at 10am, with a speaker. Both meetings are held at the St Andrews Croquet Club. Do come along and swell the numbers. Call (043) 738-5090.
  • Put on your dancing shoes to waltz, two-step and line dance tonight away with live music by Mark at the East London Bowling Club from 8pm. Entry is R25 per person. Couples welcome. Cash bar open. For more information call 073- 243- 2318.
  • The East London slot car club will have racing every Thursday evening from 7pm. Come and see the little miniature slot cars on a new repainted 42m track. For further information contact Hennie on 082-448-3221.
  • The Nahoon Estuary Nature Reserve is a must for those who love beautiful places, river views, a mangrove swamp and forest walks. Bird enthusiasts will enjoy sitting quietly in the two bird hides watching blue duikers and birds at the birdbaths and eating seed. New members of Nahooners, which supports the reserve, are welcome to join and are given a gate key that allows them to visit 24/7. The reserve is off Beaconhurst Drive. Turn at the Dassie Trail sign. For enquiries phone Celia on (043)735-1833.
  • If you are interested in becoming a volunteer at the Gonubie Community Policing Forum, please contact Dewald Knoetze on 082-822-1035 or Fred Minty on 072-515-8646.
  • Alcoholics Anonymous Gonubie meet at the Baptist Church in Watsonia Crescent at 7.30pm. Contact Jan on 082-850-6918 or Nick on 072-831-7663.


  • The Eye Centre East London are offering free glaucoma and diabetic screening on Friday 8am to 2pm at New Hope Fellowship Church, 16 St James Road, Southernwood.
  • Dinner dance tonight at Comrades Club, “the home of party”, with live music by Quentin from 8.15pm. Eat and drink from 6pm at bargain prices- booking essential. Entry R20. Call 083-255-3468 before 2pm for table bookings.
TAKING YOU BACK: The 13-piece Centrestage band will be reliving the music of the ‘80s tomorrow at the Guild. The nostalgic overload will feature an all-star lineup of East London’s Kerry Hiles (pictured), among them Gino Fabbri, Thuba Myeki, Therese Smith, with guitarists Arno Erasmus and Sandy Robbie. Special guest on the night is Wayne Kallis. The show starts at 7.30pm tomorrow and tickets at R160 are available from Computicket or at the theatre Picture: SUPPLIED


  • A country dance will be held at St mark’s Anglican Church from 7pm with music by Barry and Mark. The church is on the corner of Church Lane and Nelson Ave. entry is R30. Bring own bar and snacks.
  • Dance the night away with Time is Tight and music through the ages at the Gonubie Farmers Hall from 8pm. Entry is R30 per person. Bring your own refreshments. For bookings call Janita – 060-631-3701 or Gladys 083-968-1069.
  • The Centenary Tennis Club hosts social tennis every Saturday from 1.30pm. All welcome, so all ages come and join the fun. For more info call Maurice 082-676-9708 or Deon 082-443-8995.
  • The Gonubie Saturday flea market takes place every Saturday morning in front of the municipality from 8am to 1pm. For enquiries please contact Glenda on WhatsApp or call 082-714-3390.
  • The Lavender Blue Pineapple Walk takes place every Saturday morning at 6.30am (weather permitting). Meet Yvonne in the Lavender Blue parking lot every Saturday at 6am for a lovely walk and enjoy breakfast afterwards.
  • The Down Syndrome Association Amathole has their dance session at Hamilton Club for the children and support meeting for the family. For enquiries contact our office on (043) 722-4918 on Monday to Thursday 9 – 1pm or on our cell 083-552-4616.


  • Tea in the Trees have a market on the first and last Sunday of the month from 9am to 2pm.All arts, crafts and home produce welcome. Only R50 to have a stall, all welcome to set up from 7.30am onwards. Any enquiries contact Kate 072-611-2367, www.teainthetrees.com or on the Facebook teainthetrees.
  • The Esplanade Flea Market now on every weekend weather permitting from 8am to 2pm. New stalls welcome.


  • The Compassionate Friends meet at the Vincent Methodist Church Hall in Preston Avenue at 7pm. Police Inspector Andrew Hack will be talking on suicide intervention. All bereaved parents and their families as well as friends are welcome to attend. Please note new time of 7pm and not 7.30pm. for more information call Myrtle on (043) 721-0406 or Jenny (043) 741-2551.
  • Exercise classes for senior citizens every Monday and Thursday from 8.30 to 9.30am at St John’s Ambulance, St George’s Road. For information call Nookie (043) 726-1100.
  • The East London Group of Alcoholics Anonymous, founding group, meets at The Catholic Church Hall in Caxton Street, Quigney at 7.30pm every Monday. Contact Morris 073-870-4486 or Pieter 082-094-0959 or (043) 722-4033.
  • Alcoholics Anonymous Kayser’s Beach Group meets at the Chapel Hall at 7.30pm. Contact 082-714-9400.
  • If you are living with someone who is drinking, and this is affecting you, or perhaps you are experiencing problems from having lived with an alcoholic, there is help available for you at the Al Anon Family Group Meeting held at Cambridge Methodist Church Hebbes Street every Tuesday at 7.30 pm. Contact Elsie 078- 628- 6311.
  • Alcoholics Anonymous Cambridge Group meets at the Methodist Church, Hebbes Street, Cambridge, at 7.30pm. Contact Jumbo on (043)741-3685.
  • The pipe band meet at 6.30 at Hudson Park High School music block. Tuition given. For bagpipes call Robert on 082-897-8571 and drumming: Stephen on 082-560-0247.
  • The EL Bridge Club welcomes all who wish to play “Duplicate Bridge”. Provision has been made for new players to begin at a “starter table” in order to be guided in the use of bidding boxes. Come with a partner on any Tuesday and/or Saturday at 1.15pm to the Berea Gardens Dining Hall. Call Jean (043) 735-4893, Karen 082-856-0400 or Kathie 083-651-0418 for info.
  • Narcotics Anonymous meet every Wednesday and Friday from 7pm-8pm at St Nicholas Church, Pell Street, Beacon Bay. Call For details call 082-796-3699.


  • Scottish dancing classes every Tuesday 4 to 5.30pm at Ham’s Club in Selborne. Instruction given to beginners. No experience required, just a love of dancing. All very welcome. Information: Nookie (043) 726-1100.
  • The Beacon Bay Bridge Club is looking for players interested in playing social bridge every Tuesday and Friday between 1.30 and 4.30pm. They meet at the Eden Worship Centre at 10 Coad Road, Beacon Bay. For further information contact Olga on 083-650-6653 or (043) 735-1736 or Heather on (043) 748-1465.


  • There are times you just need someone to talk to, to laugh and meet new people. Masithethe Counselling Services are hosting a Live, Love, Laugh Support Group to create a space where people can meet, be themselves and talk about issues that are affecting them, spread awareness, educate and encourage each other. Masithethe (formerly LifeLine) will provide the space and facilitate the process. This support group is open to all. To be held every third Wednesday of the month at 6pm at the Masithethe Centre at3 St James Road, Southernwood. For more info call 043-722-2000 or WhatsApp: 084-091-5410 and Facebook.
  • Masithethe Counselling Services (formerly LifeLine) will be hosting a ‘Rape and Domestic Violence’ support group on the first Thursday of the on the month at 11am. It takes place at the centre at 3 St James Road, Southernwood. For more information call (043) 722-2000 or 084-091-5410 (WhatsApp).

Next Thursday

  • The University of the Third Age (U3A) meet at the St Andrews Croquet Club hall on the EL Golf Club at 10am. The talk will be on current affairs. U3A Meet on the second Thursday of each month followed by tea\coffee and biscuits. The cost is R10 per visitor and R5 for members. On the third Thursday of each month, there is a current affairs meeting at 10am, with a speaker. Call (043) 738-5090.


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