This week the total storage of water in Eastern Cape is at 60.7%, compared to last week, the average dam levels were at 61.1%, a clear sign that the drought continues in the province, the Water Affairs Department said in a statement today.
Some of the following dams are struggling to conserve water and our systems such as Algoa and Amathole are under tremendous stress.
- Kouga Dam in Algoa System is sitting at 11.7%, compared to 12.8% last week, this is an indication that our systems are struggling very hard. Impofu Dam is battling to gain more water and is sitting at 47.3% this week, compared to 78.0% in the previous year this time.
- Bridle Drift Dam in Amathole System gained 15.0% from the little water in the recent rains from 59.6% to 74.6 % this week.
- Nahoon Dam also gained 18.6% in the recent rains from 79.5% last year at this time to 98.1% this week.
- Gcuwa Dam is promising compared to 78.9% in the previous year, this week it registered to 80.7%.
- Tsomo Dam under Ncora reservoir in Chris Hani area gained more water this year, compared to 45.1% in the previous and now is sitting at 98.8%.
This report shows that our water reserves are being exhausted calling on all of us to play a major role in water security by conserving the little that is still available at our reservoir. The Department of Water and Sanitation is calling the public to strengthen water conservation all the time.