A school for rising stars

IN FOCUS: Pupils of Lulutho Grooming School showing off their skills Picture:SUPPLIED

MDANTSANE-based Lulutho Grooming School is trying to help young people reach for the stars.

The school was started in 2009 with 900 girls accommodated at the arts centre.

Founder Yolanda Pietersen said the purpose was to produce role models and to create opportunities for young people to become involved in community development projects.

Since its inception, the school has opened branches in Mthatha, Kwelera and in Cape Town, and caters for young people from the ages of nine to 22.

Pietersen, who is an architect and a director of Baseline Civil Contractors in Cape Town, said: “God used me to create Lulutho in order to help children from the rural and urban areas by providing an aftercare facility. They are able to explore their talents and art. Activities include drama, dance, poetry, modelling, public speaking and debating.

“We host a five-day empowerment workshop at Byletts High School twice a year during the holidays with 800 young people from all our branches and the workshop is free.”

The initiative’s main funders are the National Lottery Commission, Enroute Traders, Baseline Civil Contractors and Byletts. For information, like the Facebook Page, Lulutho Grooming School.


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