Eastern Cape Liquor Board(ECLB) urges all liquor traders to renew their liquor license, to avoid being de-registered after February 28th 2018.
Senior communication officer, Pumlani Fani, said ECLB wishes to commend those liquor traders that have so far taken it upon themselves to ensure that they comply with conditions of their liquor licenses,and promptly renewed their liquor licenses.
“It is pleasing to note that more than 80% have already renewed licenses,” said Fani.
He said those who fail to renew their liquour license will be de-registered.
“Should they wish to trade again, they will be expected to re-apply for a new liquor license. This simply means that they will be forced to close down their businesses and go through the rigorous liquor license application process”, said Fani.
Fani urges the community to take note and report any outlet that continues to trade without a valid liquor license, and must report such tendencies to the nearest police stations or the Eastern Cape Liquor Board at 080 000 0420.
“It is a legislative requirement that a liquor license must be visibly displayed at each liquor outlet so that people can be in a position to see it and be able to identify if it has been renewed,” concluded Fani.