R60 000 raised for autism school

THE annual Vincent SuperSpar and East London Golf Club (ELGC) Charity Cup took place last week Friday and saw a total of R60 000 raised for local charity organisation Autism Sinethemba.

Vincent SUPERSPAR owner, Frank Mc Glashan, left, and East London Golf Club captain Charles Miles hand over a cheque to Autism Sinethemba founder Antoinette Bruce-Alexander.

Run by Antoinette Bruce-Alexander, the organisation takes the form of an early intervention centre geared towards educating and supporting autistic pre-school children and their parents.

Autism Sinethemba was founded in 2008 and has blossomed from a small parent support group into a fully functioning pre-school with three classrooms and 10 staff members.

The school caters for 30 autistic children, with an extra six on the waiting list.

“I am so greatful to Vincent SPAR and the golf club for choosing Autism Sinethemba as the beneficiary for this year’s Charity Cup,” said Bruce-Alexander.

Vincent SUPERSPAR owner Frank McGlashan has been in the business of sponsoring the Charity Cup annually for the past eight years.

“ I was incredibly humbled when I saw a father from my church interact with his autistic son. The patience and love he showed inspired me to choose a local autism charity as this year’s beneficiary,” he said.

Sponsoring all sorts of prizes, including R1000 worth of meat in each prize hamper, as well as six cases of merlot wine, Vincent SUPERSPAR donated more than R30 000 worth of prizes for the event.

The East London Golf Club also generously donated all of the green fees from the event to Autism Sinethemba.

Various raffle prizes were also donated by local businesses, including Olivewood Country Estate and Sculptures, among others.

“This annual golf day has been very well supported by members and businesses alike over the years and in total we have managed to donate an amount of R473000 to various charities since its inception in 2009,” said ELGC general manager Brenden Fourie.


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