Over 2,000 schools without toilets, says Equal Education

Demichelle Petherbridge, Lisa Draga, Katiso Mosioua and Amanda Rinquest presented at a panel to mark ten years of Equal Education’s struggle on Thursday.
Image: Thembela Ntongana

“A perfect school for me … doesn’t have to be a fancy building, just a suitable environment for teaching and learning in every day,” said Equal Education Eastern Cape Head Amanda Rinquest at a panel discussion about the state of rural education in the country on Thursday.

Rinquest was reading a letter written by a student, Siphelele Qabaza in the Eastern Cape who attends one of the problem schools with bad infrastructure that Equal Education has identified.

“We never wanted much. We just want to feel the joy in our schools with no fear of falling structures and feel warm in classrooms with no broken windows … The National Department of Education complains about the pass rate in the Eastern Cape knowing that they do not give learners proper places to study,” Rinquest read from the letter.

The panel discussion was part of the closing night of Equal Education’s anniversary exhibition, “Qina Mfundi. Qina!”, at the Tshisimani Centre for Activist Education in Mowbray on Thursday, that celebrated Ten Years of Struggle for Equal Education. The panel discussed the challenges to quality teaching and learning in rural areas as well as on some of the successes for Equal Education in fighting for better education.

Read more of the story on TimesLIVE


By: Thembela Ntongana

Source: TMG Digital


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