Image: Russell Roberts
Somewhere in the Western Cape, a father who dodged paying maintenance for years is more than R300,000 poorer.
This after the money was docked from his pension fund.
In a statement on Thursday, Public Protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane’s office said the father had ignored a court order stating he should support his child and, now, more than a quarter of a million has been taken from his pension fund to cover years of outstanding child support payments and future maintenance costs.
Mkhwebane’s office said it had decided to step in after the mother complained that the Government Pension Administration Agency (GPAA) had failed to comply with maintenance court orders to pay the amount from the father’s pension fund.
“On 18 September 2012, the court granted an order for the attachment of up to R40,000 of the defaulting father’s pension fund held at the Government Employees Pension Fund (GEPF). The order was sent to the GEPF the same day it was granted, with a requirement for GEPF to pay the amount concerned by 31 October 2012. This was not complied with,” the statement read.
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