By Wendy Kretschmann
AS the classic 1970’s disco song by John Paul Young goes: “Love is in the air …”
And never more so is this true than at this time of year – and particularly on Valentine’s Day.
Today marks the culmination of the Valentine’s Day competition brought to our loyal readers by the GO! & Express in partnership with Umnenga Lodge, Steers Nahoon, PnA Stationers and Wakaberry.
Entrants were encouraged to submit an advert as well as a motivational letter and optional photo to stand the chance of winning fantastic prizes valued at nearly R1,000.
It’s reassuring to know that despite much negativity in the world, love still abounds as can be seen by the published submissions from some of our entrants, the adverts from whom can be viewed in the Classified section of today’s GO! & Express.
It was a close call between our two winners and so it was decided to award prizes to both of them.
In first place was Mervin Pottinger who will be treating his wife to a meal at Umnenga Lodge and also receives prizes from Wakaberry.
Competition runner-up, Leona Russell, wins prizes from Wakaberry, Steers Nahoon and PnA Stationers for her and her husband Zane, who celebrates his birthday today.

“I met my wife at a dance many years ago and we went out for six months. She then left me for someone else and we did not have contact for 34 years.
By chance I heard that she was divorced. I was also divorced and . I then took the opportunity to contact her.
We got married soon after that and now we are happily married for 11 years.”

“Zane and I first met when I was 14 and he was 16 years old. I was walking home from school through a bush path and he was on his motorbike coming towards me. He swerved out of the way for me and fell off his motorbike – so he literally fell for me! And we have been together ever since – for 38 years. We have been married for 29 years and have a beautiful daughter, Ashton.”
“Guardians of Hope Place of Safety cares for abandoned, destitute and babies given up for

adoption. This is not just any place, it is a home. A home filled with so much love and joy. Each child is cared for as if my own. They are loved, nurtured, stimulated and prayed over daily. The home is filled with love all around from the house mother, to the care givers and every volunteer and donor. Guardians of Hope is 19 months old and have cared for 54 babies to date. Yes it is 54 too many as ideally there should be none, however we are incredibly blessed and touched by every life that comes into our home and know we are making a huge difference in the community. There is nothing better than giving love and hope. Guardians of Hope Place of Safety is one of my biggest loves.” – Elaine Brenkman

“My husband and I will be married for 54 years on May 1st, 2019. We trust that it will be our Lord’s will. Marriage is a commitment and has to be built on trust and there must be communication between the couple. Never go to sleep without saying good night or without sorting out a problem. Tomorrow is not promised.” – Hilda Hattingh
“This year will be my husband and my 5th Valentines Day together. We have always kept it

simple and small. Gifts aren’t what shows a person you love them but it sure does make you feel special and loved when you get spoiled by a loved one. I would love to win this competition and spend Valentines Day a little different with my husband. I look forward to many more years celebrating this day of love with him. We are a young, vibrant couple that love going on dates and celebrating each and every day filled with love for each other!” – Lauren Pautz