Art exhibit raises funds for girl pupils

ART FOR A CAUSE: The Hartspace Art Studio exhibition titled “Honey for the Soul” is showcased at the Ann Bryant Gallery Coach House. Left, Ciena Bester and Kerry-Lyn Honey at the auction on Thursday last week. Picture: SUPPLIED

Art lovers are in for a treat as the Hartspace Art Studio plays host to “Honey for the Soul” exhibition at the Ann Bryant Gallery Coach House which will run until June 29.

Besides the showcasing of unique, individual pieces, the aim of the exhibition is to raise funds through an auction to purchase reusable and washable sanitary towels for local school girls.

Exhibition organiser Kerry-Lyn Honey said the sanitary towels can have a lifespan of up to five years if correctly taken care of.

“The sanitary kits cost in the region of R200 each. We’ll purchase them from an Pretoria-based NGO called Dignity Dreams,” Honey said.

Forty-eight pieces were up for auction on opening night last Thursday and saw all the pieces sold for a total of R12,058.

“The generosity was amazing, plus we received a total of R2,085 in cash donations, not to mention the sanitary towels in our donations box,” Honey said.

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4 Auctions’ Ciena Bester kept the bids rolling for the admirable cause. The reserve bids for the miniature pieces ranged from R200 upwards and frames for some of the artwork was sponsored by Louise Pietrucci Tiffin of CVD Framers.

Entertainment included Des Haschick, Phillip Jordaan and Liné Koen with the music.

With 92 works of art on display, and the majority of them by first-time exhibitors, Honey’s small art classes have created unique explosion of colour.

“I’m also introducing art in the corporate space. I believe it can make for a more honest approach for decision making for managers”, she said.


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