Adelaide water run success

DIGGING DEEP: Beaconhurst Primary and High School partnered with East London Alderson Ambulance in donating water in Adelaide as there is an on-going water crisis

The current drought in Adelaide and its surrounds is reportedly the worst in 50 years.

The town’s primary servicing dam is par- ched, cracked and dry.

Alderson Ambulance director Barry Brown and together with his wife Rinda have partnered with Beacon- hurst primary and high schools in a massive effort to collect over 6,000 litres of water in aide of drought- stricken Adelaide.

“We are completely overcome by the compassion of our community and how they showed up to help its sister community in Adelaide,” said Rinda.

Brown reported that donations came in from many different sources.

“Farmers with bore- hole water, households with rainwater tanks, businesses, organisa- tions that made cash donations – it has been truly epic,” said Brown.

“We must pay huge honour and thanks to the pupils of Beaconhurst primary and high, under the leadership of Aubrey Norman and Brendan Cloete respectively, for their massive efforts resulting in a donation of over 2,000 litres of water from them alone.“

Brown added: “We must also thank the Beaconhurst High School land services pupils for their generous donation of R4,000 which enabled us to bottle the water efficiently,” he said.

In addition to these generous acts, Beacon Bay Lions donated R2,000 cash to the effort which al- lowed for the purchase of water in Bedford.

Regent Hotel gave 300 litres, Gozone Water 200 litres, Edna and Shorty Bower 1,000 litres, Crewe Primary 300 litres, and RV Smith and Getaway Trailers lentoaned trailers to help with transport. the water.

“We also acknowledge the help of our many water carriers who helped bottle and pack water for the trip, as well as the parents, teachers and learners of Executots Preschool, Tracy Kallaway’s grade 1 George Randell Primary class and Robin Heaton’s grade 2 Hudson Primary class,” Rinda added.

She said the first Alderson Adelaide Water Run took place last Thursday.

“We are calling for East London community members to continue digging deep and doing whatever they can to alleviate the massive water crisis affecting the beautiful Adelaide community.” she urged. Rinda.

Brown confirmed that Alderson Ambulance, Beaconhurst and Primary and High School and Gonubie Primary School will continue receiving water drop-offs and cash donations. welcome any cash donations that will enable the continuance of the project to save lives in Adelaide


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