MultiChoice Group (MCG), together with the department of education (DOE), handed over
new upgrades to Jityaza Combined Primary School in King William’s Town on Monday. This is the second school the group has invested in refurbishing as part of the department’s school infrastructure programme and the Madiba Do Up project.
“A total of R6m has been invested on school facilities at four primary schools, two in
Limpopo and two in the Eastern Cape. Today’s school handover is particularly rewarding as it is testament to our ongoing commitment to sustainable development in the Eastern
Cape,” said MultiChoice executive of corporate affairs Reggy Moalusi.
The collaboration, which was formalised on March 5, is in line with government’s aim to
partner with the private sector to contribute to economic growth and recreation.
“Education is government’s apex priority and investing in schools infrastructure right here in the Eastern Cape will go a long way towards improving the conditions for our learners,” said DOE MEC Fundile Gade.
“Today ’s handover, done in the name of our late statesmen Nelson Mandela, is something we are proud of because children were very close to Madiba’s heart,” he said.
The renovations included the construction of additional classrooms, a media centre with
wi-fi connectivity and a multipurpose sports field.