Mike Webb, affectionately known as the Pink Fairy, is organising a unique fundraiser for the King William’s Town SPCA on Saturday.
Webb was supposed to participate in the Two Oceans Marathon on Saturday in Cape Town but due to the ongoing national lockdown in response to the Sars-CoV-2 pandemic, the marathon was cancelled.
“In order to assist our SPCA during these difficult times, I have decided to do a ‘backyard
marathon’ to raise funds,” Webb said.
Webb’s ‘marathon’ will consist of a 100m lap done 420 times, totalling 4.2km. People can sponsor his efforts, with Webb aiming for R42 per lap.
“You may also donate any amount you can afford, or if you wish to pledge and donate after I have completed, that is also OK,” he said.
Webb challenged Parkrun runners to do their own 5km “backyard parkrun” on the same day and donate afterwards.
Donations can be made to:
Name: M J Webb
Bank: FNB
Acc type: Business Account
Account number: 62418456605
Reference: 42.2 and your name
KWT SPCA’s Annette Rademeyer said they are receiving an influx of animals over the lockdown period and will deal with them as they come.
“People are phoning us to collect the animals and we assess each case in its own merit. We’re grateful for that and we’re working extra hours to collect the animals,” Rademeyer said. To reach the KWT SPCA, call 043-634-6008.