There was much joy on Tuesday when local NGO Clean Slate handed over 100 pairs of shoes to students of Pefferville Primary School.
The shoes had been donated by community members as well as a number of businesses who sponsored the handover.
Speaking on behalf of the school, acting principal Clive Fray thanked everyone involved.
“You have answered a spiritual call to come and do something for our children at Pefferville Primary School,” Fray said.
“I want to say thank you very much to all of you for giving shoes and other donations to this school.”
Deputy principal Marc Jasson had similar sentiments.
“We are humbled. All have you have really shown your true mettle, you really put your money where your mouth is,” he said.
School governing body (SGB) chairperson Collin Hendricks said the donation was greatly appreciated.
“Pefferville is a community that no one is thinking about. These learners that you see standing here, they come from this disadvantaged community,” Hendricks said.
“These are our future leaders.
“For what you are doing here today, we appreciate it.”
Clean Slate is an East London-based NGO which aims to help ex-offenders.
“Our primary focus is ex-offenders, rehabilitating them and helping them with a smooth transition back into society,” said founder Brian Francis.
“Currently, we’ve got 25 people on a skills development programme – carpentry, upholstery and crochet. We’re trying to empower them.
“As difficult as it may sound, [we are trying] to reduce the recidivism rate. We work with drug addicts, homeless, school drop outs and the community as a whole to prevent them from going into a life of crime.”
The sponsors for the shoe hand over were: McDonalds Amalinda, Nates Car Sales, Buffalo Toyota, East London Rotary, Subway Nahoon, Local Yokel, Copy World and Bata SA.