Pupils excel at IT event

TWO weeks ago Hudson Park hosted the Nelson Mandela University’s annual programming competition. Twelve IT pupils, three from Grade 10, six from Grade 11 and three from Grade 10 competed against a total of 200 participants – 80 university students as well as students from IT schools across the Eastern Cape. Stirling High School were hosted and was also represented with a group of 12 pupils.

COMPUTER WHIZZES: Winning Grade 11 Team in Nelson Mandela University’s annual programming competition are, from left, Matt Wilson, Gregan Grant and Andrew Everts who submitted their winning effort with minutes to spare Picture: SUPPLIED

To facilitate online real time connection and monitoring, a virtual network was established to connect to Nelson Mandela University’s network. This was made possible by Hudson’s very competent IT support team of **** Woods and Tony Roberson.

The objective was to solve as many mathematical problems possible using Delphi programming methods in three hours. All correct answers needed to be confirmed and submitted by working code.

A scoring system was established where incorrect answers would be penalised, preventing random submissions. As the evening progressed it became clear that it was a tough challenge as many submissions were not accepted.

The spirit of the participants was high in spite of the intense level of work attempted, at no time did anyone quit. It was nail-biting until the very last second.


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