Cubs walk the talk against abuse

NOT IN MY NAME: Morgan Lands, centre, leads the children on their march against abuse and to live in a better country

The Hudson Park Primary Port Rex Lions Cubs together with Masithethe Counselling Services held a walk against gender-based abuse at the school on Friday.

In addition to the 16 Days of Activism walk, the children also highlighted other issues such as saving the environment.

Masithethe director Jackie Orsmond said it was good to see people come out against abuse, but it was also a tragic sign of how abuse touched people. “I feel positive that we are involving young people. It creates awareness so that they can break the cycle,” Orsmond said.

The cubs held a candle-lighting ceremony while reciting poems. Hudson Park Primary pastoral head Morgan Lands said it was lovely to get children involved so they could learn about what was happening around them.

“They wrote down their wishes for a better SA and then tied these around a prayer tree,” Lands said.


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