Fibroids Clinic talk in EL

The Cape Town-based Fibroids Treatment Clinic, in association with Life Healthcare, are hosting a workshop at the East London Golf Club on Monday. January 21.

The workshop forms part of the Women in White campaign which seeks to raise awareness about fibroids, a condition that affects women who are 35 years and older.

In attendance will be radiologists Dr Gary Sudwarts and Dr Maja Wojno, as well as fellow patients who will be speaking about their experiences living with the condition.

The event is open to women who have fibroids, their partners and any healthcare practitioners who are looking to stay informed on the issue.

Uterine fibroids, also known as leiomyomas, are non-cancerous tumours that form in the smooth muscle layer (myometrium) of the uterus and occur in about approximately 40% of women aged 35 or older.

They can vary in size as well as number although they usually don’t pose any long-term threat. In extreme cases, symptoms can include heavy and painful periods, issues with urinary frequency and retention, fertility problems, constipation, abdominal discomfort and back ache.

The Fibroid Clinic also provides treatment for adenomyosis, a medical condition where cells that line the inside of the uterus grow into the muscle tissue instead of shedding once a month. Because the cells are hormonally responsive, every month they thicken, breakdown and bleed. Symptoms can include heavy and painful periods similar to fibroids.

The workshop, on January 21, starts at 6pm for 6.30pm and entrance is free.
To book/inquiries: Contact Ilze Els at 074-091-0335 or


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