Energy-savvy hot sleeve

ENERGY SAVER: AET Africa factory supervisor Siyabonga Ntaka,left, starts the demo with Sandiswa Qayi. The Hotspot sleeve can be seen on the left. Picture: AMANDA NANO

In light of the rising costs of electricity, AET Africa has developed an energy-saving device called the Hotspot and held a demonstration for the device last on Wednesday. last week.

The demo was done in front of guests from the local housing industry included such as ON TAP Plumbing and Bathroom and other local and industrial plumbers.

ON TAP branch manager Dean Schwagele said the device would help people save money and electricity, also citing the fact that it was locally produced.

“Sandiswa [Qayi] is a local entrepreneur and I had the pleasure of going to the product launch in October 2018 and that’s where I became got interested. The next step was to involve plumbers as they would do the installing,” Schwagele said.

The sleeve retrofits onto any conventional element of the geyser and ensures a reduced energy-saving of up to 27%. It can heat up to 50 litres of water at to 50°C in 30 minutes.

Qayi, who is the AET managing director, said the demonstration showed two towers of water, one fitted with a normal geyser element and the other with the Hotspot sleeve.

“We did tests for 2½two-and-a-half years with various companies such as the SABS. We sent the sleeve to international labs for testing in toxicity levels and a range of other tests,” Qayi said.

The plastics used are heat resistant and safe to use in the home.

The demo is set up, with the Hotspot in the container on the left. Picture: AMANDA NANO

The Hotspot starts heating cold water from the bottom up, making it easier to make hot water faster.

When the geyser is off, the sleeve assists by reheating the water.

The company can guarantee a two-year life span on the device and they are testing for greater longevity.

“The temperature definitely went up fast and that’s good. It’s innovative and would help us a lot. Who knows how far this could go?” Rudy Erasmus from said Q&J’s Plumbing said.

He added that this initiative could elongate increase the lifespan of a homeowner’s geyser element while saving energy.

The sleeve is retailing at R250 and is made at AET Africa’s manufacturing plant in Dimbaza, outside King William’s Town.

For more information about the sleeve and other energy-efficient products, visit their website at or call 043-721-3296.

Hotspot gadget hits the mark


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