Four die in KWT after consuming home-brewed alcohol

After the death of four people in Ilitha Township in King William’s Town, the Eastern Cape Liquor Board (ECLB) has issued a stern warning to the public against consuming home-brewed beer.

“We strongly condemn this abhorrent behaviour in our province and wish to urge members of the community to refrain from consuming this deadly and untested home-brewed beer,” the ECLB said.

The ECLB acknowledged that lockdown regulations had made home-brewed beer the most accessible option for many people, and urged communities to take responsibility for their own safety and not drink it.

The ECLB also said the police would be working hard to crack down on the brewing and selling of home-brewed beer.

“We send our heartfelt condolences to the families of the deceased, and further implore everyone in the Eastern Cape to prevent the re-occurrence of this unfortunate incident in their own areas.

“The law will continue to act ruthlessly against those that are associated with this behaviour,” the ECLB said.


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