44th edition of popular race back on old route
BUFFALO Road Runners and Hemingways have partnered to host the 44th Hemingways Buffs Marathon and Half Marathon on Saturday.
Buffs are delighted to be working with the Hemingways team again, who provide not only financial assistance but give their full support to this popular and prestigious race.
This year the marathon will revert to the old route – starting at 5.30am on the N6, about 3km from Macleantown, on the way to Stutterheim, and finishing at Buffs Club.
The half marathon starts at 6am at Python Park and follows the same route as the marathon, also finishing at Buffs Club.
Runners will have the benefit of a number of experienced water table hosts who support this race year after year.
Although it is a fast 42.2km and 21.1km route, athletes should be aware of the “sting in the tail” when they reach Willasdale Drive, Galway Road and Buffalo Park Drive.
Many well-known runners have participated and won this race and with the renewed interest and growth in road running, spectators are sure to witness a great race with a number of new names eager to feature on the Buffs winners’ board.
The race is highly regarded by athletes all over South Africa and serves as a qualifier for both the Two Oceans and Comrades Marathon.
The races are open to runners and walkers. Entry fee is R140 for the marathon and R100 for the half marathon. Temporary numbers will cost R30 for the half marathon and R40 for the marathon. There is no parking at the start, so athletes are requested to use the transport provided to both starts – cost R40.
Buffalo City is also a winner here as many athletes and their families are from out of town, bringing economic benefit to the city.
Visitors enjoy the hospitality of the people of the Eastern Cape and experience the beauty of our scenery and the legendary history of the area.
Entries for the race closed on Tuesday and unfortunately no late entries will be taken.
For more information, visit www.buffaloroadrunners.co.za or contact race convenor Meta Scott on 081-487-4984.