- The Floradale artists’ Natural Expression exhibition is a celebration of everything to do with natural forms found in the environment. The exhibition is part of the special celebration for the Floradale Centre, and marks the 80th anniversary of the Floradale Nursery. The exhibition at the ine Art Centre continues with new work taking the place of works which have come down or have been sold.
- Masithethe Counselling Services (formerly LifeLine) hosts a Rape and Domestic Violence support group on the first Thursday of the month at 11am. It is held at the centre, 3 St James Road, Southernwood. For info call (043) 722-2000 or 084-091- 5410 (WhatsApp). One in three women are victims of rape and domestic violence. Are you one of them?
- Put on your dancing shoes to waltz, two-step and line dance the night away with live music by Alwyn’s Band at the East London Bowling Club from 8pm. Entry is R25 per person. A cash bar will be open. For more information call 073- 243-2318.
- The East London slot car club holds racing every Thursday evening from 7pm. See the miniature slot cars on a new repainted 42m track. For further information contact Hennie on 082-448-3221.
- The Nahoon Estuary Nature Reserve is a must for those who love beautiful places, river views, a mangrove swamp and forest walks. Bird enthusiasts will enjoy sitting in the two bird hides watching blue duikers and birds at the birdbaths and eating seed. New members of Nahooners, which supports the reserve, are welcome to join and are given a gate key which allows them to visit 24/7. The reserve is off Beaconhurst Drive. Turn at the Dassie Trail sign. For enquiries phone Celia on (043)735-1833.
- Alcoholics Anonymous Gonubie meet at the Baptist Church in Watsonia Crescent at 7.30pm. Contact Jan on 082-850-6918.
- Dinner dance tonight at Comrades Club with live music by Quentin from 8.15pm. Eat and drink from 6pm at bargain prices. Booking essential. Entry R20. Call 083-255-3468 before 2pm for table bookings.
- Dirt oval racing with the seventh race of the season at Border Stock Cars with racing starting at 5pm. Join in all the thrills and spills, with gates opening at 1.30pm. Should it rain, the racing may move to Sunday at noon. Tickets are R50, R20 for 7 to 12-year-olds and children under six get in free. Classes offered are 2.1 Mod, Hot Rods, 1660, Junior Hot Rods and Flexi V8. Kiosk available. For more info contact 082-953-4942.
- There will be a farm market on Farm B18 Thornpark (10km along Stutterheim Road). On offer are arts and crafts, a beer garden, picnic spots, a coffee bar, cakes and farmyard animals for the kids. Bring the family and enjoy the day with us.
- Dance through the Ages from 8pm to late at Gonubie Farmers Hall. Country, sokkie, boeremusiek and pop. Music by Ian H. Entry is R30. Bring your own drinks. For more info call Jenn 083-948-1141.
- Dance at the East London Bowling Club from 8pm with music by Patrick Nass. Spot dance prizes and curry vetkoekon sale. Music will include country , Afrikaans, rock n roll, sokkie and more. Entrance fee is R25. Cash bar. For info call Janita cell 060-631-3701.
- The EL Branch of the Diabetes Support Group meet at the Regent Hotel’s Terrace Room from 2.45pm for an awareness talk. No entry fee. The speaker is Dr T van Heerden, a physician from Cycad Med Inc. For more information call Vrooda Makhan 083-708-0489.
- The SPCA host their annual street collection with tin shakers at all major shopping centres. Empty your pockets in support of this worthy cause.
- The Gonubie flea market takes place every Saturday morning in front of the municipality from 8am to 1pm, weather permitting. All stalls and car boot sales welcome. For enquiries please contact Glenda on WhatsApp or call 082-714-3390.
- The Lavender Blue Pineapple Walk takes place every Saturday morning at 6.30am (weather permitting). Meet Yvonne in the Lavender Blue parking lot at 6am for a lovely walk and enjoy breakfast afterwards. You will be taken on a 10km circular walk past farms and along farm roads. Take the usual goodies along and some money for a hearty breakfast afterwards.

- Lions International are hosting an entertainment afternoon for the elderly in honour of World Service Day at the Guild Theatre from 2pm. Admission is free and those in attendance will receive snacks and cold drinks.
- Animal Blessing Service in commemoration of World Animal Day . The aim of this international day is to raise the status of animals to improve welfare standards. Building the celebration of World Animal Day unites the animal welfare movement, mobilising it into a global force to make the world a better place for all animals. The EL SPCA will have an animal blessing service and all animal lovers are invited to attend, even if you don’t take your pet.The service will be held at the New Apostolic Church in Garvin Road, Cambridge.
- Exercise classes for senior citizens every Monday and Thursday from 8.30 to 9.30am at St John’s Ambulance, St George’s Road. For information call Nookie (043) 726-1100.
- The pipe band meets at 6.30pm at Hudson Park High School music block. Tuition given. For bagpipes call Robert on 082-897-8571 and drumming: Stephen on 082-560-0247.
- The EL Bridge Club welcomes all who wish to play duplicate bridge. Provision has been made for new players to begin at a starter table to be guided in the use of bidding boxes. Join in with a partner on any Tuesday and/or Saturday at 1.15pm at the Berea Gardens Dining Hall. Call Jean (043) 735-4893, Karen 082-856-0400 or Kathie 083-651-0418 for info.
- Scottish dancing classes every Tuesday from 4pm to 5.30pm at Ham’s Club in Selborne. Instruction given to beginners. No experience required, just a love of dancing. All welcome. Information: Nookie (043) 726-1100.
- The Beacon Bay Bridge Club is looking for players interested in playing social bridge every Tuesday and Friday between 1.30 and 4.30pm. They meet at the Eden Worship Centre at 10 Coad Road, Beacon Bay. For further information contact Olga on 083-650-6653 or (043) 735-1736 or Heather on (043) 748-1465.