Eskom on TRAC in E Cape

FUTURE SUPPORT: From left, Group Capital general manager of Group Capital, Eskom’s Aacting Ggeneral Mmanager for nuclear new build Loyiso Tyabashe, Group Capital acting group executive for Group Capital, Kobus Steyn and the education department’s deputy superintendent-general Ray Tywakadi engage with pupils during the Eskom Science Enhancement Initiative Support Programme Eastern Cape Eskom general manager Collin Reddy and Eskom chief nuclear officer David Nicholls, engage with pupils during a session of the Eskom Science Enhancement Initiative Support Programme Picture:SUPPLIED

ESKOM has extended its Science Enhancement Initiative Support Programme in the Eastern Cape, following the extension of an agreement between Eskom and the Technology Research Activity Centre South Africa (TRAC SA) which aims to assist with science, mathematics and technology education in schools.

Acting Group Executive for Group Capital acting group executive Kobus Steyn said they were in partnership with the Eastern Cape Ddepartment of Eeducation and , they signed their first agreement to assist five schools in the Kouga Local Municipality with TRAC SA in March 2016. , with five schools in the Kouga Local Municipality.

TRAC SA is now implemented in 30 25 selected schools for Grade 10 to 12 pupils in the following districts – Libode, Qumbu, Cofimvaba, East London and Uitenhage. – bringing the total number to 30 schools.

“This is part of Eskom’s drive to invest in communities where Eskom has infrastructure. Our partnership with TRAC demonstrates a shared social responsibility that is also in line with supporting government’s initiative of skills development and improving access to quality education for all, consistent with the long-term goal of poverty eradication,” said Steyn.

He said one of the country’s challenges remained making mathematics, physical science and related fields popular among the pupils.

However, TRAC has the potential to fuel enthusiasm through using exciting methods in teaching and learning methods.

“The TRAC programme has shown remarkable results within the first year of inception. More than over 2000 pupils and 30 educators from 30 schools are benefiting, and as well as 6000 hands-on pupil learner expo- sures have been recorded.”

Eskom’s Aacting Ggeneral Mmanager for nuclear new build Loyiso Tyabashe said while the primary aim supported Eskom’s plans to increase intake into science and engineering for future skills needs, they believed that the impact of improving the pass rate in maths and science would benefit the Eastern Cape and the country. as a whole.

“We are confident that the extension of the programme to the wider Eastern Cape Province will open up doors for pupils to pursue various careers thus instilling a sense of hope for a brighter future.” said Tyabashe.


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