Village recycling drive

The drive to encourage recycling projects is gaining momentum in Buffalo City.

To this end, the Kingdom Community Deliverance and Transformation Project of the Community Church East London launched a recycling campaign at Ebenezer Majombozi High School in Duncan Village on Monday.

RECYCLING FUN: Lujiza Primary School learners Picture: SIPHOKAZI VUSO
             RECYCLING FUN: Lujiza Primary School learners Picture: SIPHOKAZI VUSO

Project Manager Thembakazi Fiphaza said the project was aimed at placing an emphasis on cleanliness creating a mindset of cleanliness in the Duncan Village community.

“The vision of the campaign is to align the concept of recycling in each school phase with creative arts which will be turned to school projects. The projects will see all learners collecting waste to re-use it for a project which will be then entered in a competition,” she said.

Projects include  collages using different kinds of paper,  sculptures using various kinds of collected cans, and mosaics using pieces of glass.

“The programme is a good  one as it is important to teach children to keep the environment clean,” said Mondli Romeis Sitali, Head of Department at Masakhe Primary School head of department, Mondli Romeis Sitali.

Community Church committee member Siyasanaga Somdaka  said: “This project is part of our multi-faceted strategy  includes   that are aimed at building young people’s  character.

“We are offering Bible studies, sporting interventions like soccer, rowing for boys and girls, scout training, holiday clubs for children as well as spiritual camp excursions.”


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