Join me on my walks as I stroll around my work environs – snapping random photo’s (and posting them unedited online at the end of it) to record my exercising endeavours. This is the first day I’m posting through this forum, so keep tabs on this tab … more to follow (I will be uploading my previous efforts as well – this is Day 2 of Week 6 after all and there is plenty of catching-up to do). By the way, I walked about 0.4km in roughly 10 minutes today. Oh, before I forget to mention … you are welcome to like or comment or share or do all of these.
MAKING GOOD TRACTION: Well, this was supposed to have been a photo of a house on a hill in the far distance, but oh well, a photo of a tractor will have to suffice I suppose.
NEST EGG: Could a bird’s home also be called a nest egg?RUBBLE TROUBLE: Well, it’s trouble at any rate for the grass that wants to grow here.ABSOLUTE RUBBISH: This spot near my workplace has become the official dump site for rubbish in our area. All very well and good if it’s not strewn around the place … however, one has to wonder how (un)sanitary it is.TAKING A LOAD OFF: Tipper trucks drive almost in tandem on their return journey to the quarry.HAY, WHAT YOU SAY: Oh, how I wish I could have taken a clearer photo of this. Not exactly the best way to transport it’s load, but … what the hay.ROAD BLOCK: Random stone in the road from a truck that lost this part of it’s load. Yes, yes, don’t worry – I removed the stone from where it lay so that no car’s would be in danger’s way.RIN TIN TIN: Well, that adventurous dog from years ago wouldn’t be safe roaming the roadside grass patches of today with rubbish such as this in his path.
BLOWING IN THE WIND: A short video to help one experience the wind today – just in case you couldn’t catch any fresh air today.
SNAKE IN THE GRASS: We know that’s not the case … this time … Our area is known to be a reptilian residence.