VOORPOS Primary School officially opened their new aftercare facilities recently.

The new facilities cater to 180 pupils and the school governing body employs eight full-time staff members to care for the pupils.
“We’ve been in desperate need of these facilities to make provision for the ever-growing number of pupils and we are so proud and happy to have these facilities,” Voorpos Primary School principal, Andre Matthee, said.
This new extension of the school includes toilet facilities, six classrooms, a kitchen, an under-roof waiting area with toilet facilities and a drop-off zone for the pupils of Voorpos Primary.
The aftercare was originally started by Hans and Brenda Von Elling in 2006 with less than 10 pupils. The Von Ellings contributed time, effort, and a lot of love, in making the aftercare a wonderful place for pupils.
Eventually, in 2011, the aftercare was taken over by Voorpos Primary and continued the good work of Hans and Brenda. Plans to renovate and enlarge the facilities started right away.
After six years of hard work and dedication, plans have become a reality and the newly improved aftercare facilities are an upbeat feature to the Cambridge West neighbourhood.
The school raised funds, saved money and utilised a portion of the school fees in order to make the new aftercare a possibility.
“It’s been a long process and a lot of hard work. Our school fees are relatively low so we did increase them by 5% which contributed to the funds used for the buildings,” Matthee said.
Unfortunately, Hans died in 2012, a loss not only to loved ones and family, but to the whole Voorpos School community.
Brenda is still very involved with the Voorpos Primary School aftercare and continues to help and inspire pupils.
“We are very grateful for our governing body who have put a tremendous amount of effort in to making the aftercare renovations and buildings a reality,” Matthee said.
“A big thank you also goes to Marlene Swinney from TJ Architects (architect and project manager), Russell McLachlan from Dewing Construction and Elizabeth Victor and Derek Green from Saunders & Wium Engineers.”