Get ready East London runners, because entries for the Xerox Lightning Fast Race are officially open.
The race, which will take place on November 14, will start at 7am at Voortrekker Road in Wilsonia and finish at the Oxford Striders club on Beach Road, Nahoon.
“We are excited to be hosting the first race on the Border in a quite a while. But also nervous as organising a race during Covid is a new experience for us and we would like to ensure we adhere to regulations,” Striders member Helen Pretorius said.
“Therefore there will be compliance rules in place at the start, during the race and finish of the to safeguard the health and safety of the helpers and participants.
“This race is not called the ‘Lightning Fast’ for nothing! If it’s a personal best you after, then this is the race for you.
“It is arguably the fastest 10km on the Border. If you approach the first few kilometres with caution you could finish with an impressive PB!”
Manual entries can be made at the Oxford Striders club from 8am to 1pm Saturday October 30, 9am to 2pm Saturday November 6 and 9am to 11am Saturday November 13.
Entry can also be done by emailing entries@oxfordstriders.co.za. Please include your POP with your email.
T-shirts are available for the first 500 entries and sizes are issued on a first-come-first-served basis.
For more information, contact Pretorius via WhatsApp at 083-609-6706.